Board of Directors

Colin Rand – Chair

Colin was part of the working group that explored the formation of Christ the Redeemer Catholic Education Trust and was appointed as a Director on its incorporation. Colin was previously a governor at St Agatha’s primary school in North Kingston, serving from 2015 to 2022, including a spell as Chair of the Finance and Audit committee and then for the last 3 of which as Chair of Governors.

Colin is a Management Consultant by profession, having worked for 17 years for global consulting firm A.T. Kearney, primarily focused on the Telecoms and Technology sector, and is currently Global Head of Consulting for cyber security firm NCC Group PLC

Phillip Hedger

Phillip has been the CEO of the LEO Academy Trust since its formation in June 2015, having also held the role of Executive Headteacher at Cheam Common Junior Academy. Prior to that, he was Headteacher at Cheam Park Farm Junior Academy for six years. Having begun his career in education as a teaching assistant at Avenue Primary School in Belmont in 2001, Phillip remained at the school until 2010, covering a variety of roles from class teacher to deputy headteacher. He is a senior partner in the national school improvement network, Challenge Partners, a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Educators in the City of London, a Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching and a member of the Teaching & Learning Group at LGfL. Phillip is a Foundation Director for Christ the Redeemer Catholic Education Trust. He specialises in MAT leadership, school improvement, PedTech and assistive technology. Outside of education, Phillip is Chair of Trustees for the Sutton United Foundation.

Noel McEvilly

Noel McEvilly moved to the UK from Ireland in 1988 and has lived in Worcester Park since 1994. He worked in IT within banking for fourteen years before starting Brontide Limited in 2005 where he is the managing director, specialising in data infrastructure and commercial electrical installations and refurbishments.

Noel is an active member of St Matthias Parish and is a Foundation Governor and Vice Chair in St Marys Catholic High School in Croydon & is Co-Chair of the resources committee in The John Fisher School in Purley. He is a Foundation Director for Christ the Redeemer Catholic Education Trust. He is a member of the LEO Academy Trust and is a Trustee and chair of the Richard Challoner School PTA.

Deborah Harper

Following a career as a Chartered Accountant and Finance Director in the IT industry, I took the decision to retrain as a primary teacher after volunteering in my children’s schools and realising how much I loved it!  Since then, I’ve been fortunate to hold a wide variety of roles, including Headteacher, Executive Headteacher, Deputy Director of the Surrey Maths Hub and School Improvement Lead, supporting schools to facilitate rapid improvement. I currently work as Deputy CEO and Director of Primary Education for the Xavier Catholic Education Trust and feel excited to serve as a Director for our trust and am committed to serving our schools to help them deliver the best possible Catholic education for our children.

Fr Richard Whinder

Father Richard was born in Bromley, Kent, and educated at Good Shepherd Primary School and Bonus Pastor Secondary School. He went on to read History at Kings College London, before studying for the Priesthood at the Venerable English College in Rome. He was ordained in 2001. After various appointments in Kent and South London, he is currently Parish Priest of Holy Ghost Balham, and is a Foundation Governor of Holy Ghost Primary School.

Nathan Waters

Nathan Walters is the Executive Headteacher of the Grand Union Multi Academy Trust in West London where he is also the Headteacher of Featherstone High School. Previously, he was Headteacher of Thomas More Catholic School, Purley and he has spent a career working in high performing church schools including Archbishop Tenison’s, Croydon, St Peter’s Catholic High School, Guildford, and Wimbledon College.  He has a Masters degree in Contemporary Catholic Theology from the University of London and a Certificate in Catholic School Leadership from St Mary’s University Twickenham. He is also a governor at St Joseph’s Catholic primary school in Epsom. He is married with three sons.

Meeting Attendance

Trust board attendance 2023-2024

Declaration of Business Interests of Members 2024-2025

Colin Rand – Chair

David Cross – Clerk

Deborah Harper – Director

Glyn Griffith – Interim CFO

John Conway – Interim CEO

Nathan Walters – Trustee

Noel McEvilly – Director

Phillip Hedger – Director

Rev. Richard Whinder – Director of Trust

Declaration of Business and Pecuniary Interests Oct 24